Daniel Alomias RoblesPerry Como ~ Mr. Saturday Night!

El Condor Pasa
Original English Lyrics by Paul Simon
Arrangement of 18th Century Peruvian folk melody by Jorge Milchberg
Notated in 1916 by Daniel Alomias Robles
Paul Simon Music
Orchestra Conducted by Nick Perito
Arranged by Don Costa
Produced by Don Costa for Don Costa Productions, Inc.
Recorded at the International Hotel, Las Vegas
Recording Engineer: Mickey Crofford

Notes: ~ Around 1916, Peruvian composer Daniel Alomias Robles notated this popular traditional melody and used it as the basis for an instrumental suite. Many varied lyrics have since been written, but this anonymous version invites the singer to ride on its back high above the earth where, from that vantage point, one sees no borders, no frontiers - "all are equal." After a college concert in South Dakota in the late 70's, [ the writer ] was given these words by a young teacher named Loren Silver, who said he had been living and teaching in Bolivia for several years.

El Condor Pasa ( Arrangement & original lyric: Paul Simon )
Arrangement of 18th Century Peruvian folk melody by Jorge Milchberg

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First Edition Summer 1992
Second Edition Christmas 1993
Web Page Edition Christmas 1997
25th Anniversary Revision November, 2017
Digital Upgrade August, 2018
Easter 2023 Revised Edition
Made in Canada!
George Townsend
HQV Selekt Group
3 Seaview Avenue
Wolfville, Nova Scotia B4P 2G3
Telephone: (902) 698-9848

George TownsendSing to Me Mr. C.

Friday, April 07, 2023

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